Friday 5 September 2008

The Sunrise Headlines | ForexGen

§ US equities up to 3% lower, which might have been due to forced selling and con-cerns about the health of
major market participants. Asian stocks had a weak opening and were unable to regain the early losses.
§ South Korea intervened on forex markets once again to support the tumbling won, which has been hammered by fears of capital flight from Asia's fourth-biggest
§ Russia's central bank intervened to
support the ruble as there had been capital outflows since the conflict with Georgia. Ruble shows very limited gains.
§ Sheila Bair, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp's chairman says that troubled loans keep rising and
US banks will need to shore up their reserves to cover potential losses in the next quarters.
§ Lehman Brothers considers a plan to put some $32 billion of its commercial real estate and mortgage assets in a new spin-off.
§ Oil ($107.70) falls as inventories report shows declining demand.
§ Today, German Industrial production (July) and the US August payrolls on the cal-endar.

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